PLEASE NOTE: Registration for TyreSurance® and the purchase of #TopUp will only be accepted for tyre purchases made prior to 01 March 2023.
Cover and Benefits
- Covers irreparable damage* to any tyre/s** (purchased and registered within 30 days) from any Hi-Q Dealer Countrywide as a result of an unforeseen event caused by a road hazard*** within South Africa.
- Cover period: For 1 (one) year from the date reflected on your Hi-Q invoice or until the tread depth is less than 2mm, whichever event is the sooner (if the #TopUp benefit has been elected, your cover period will be extended from 1 year to 2 (two) years).
- Maximum claim value per tyre is limited to that value noted on the original Hi-Q sales invoice or R6,000.00 incl. VAT, whichever is the lesser.
- A 50% credit will be issued to contribute towards the purchase of a new tyre** as determined and at the sole discretion of Hi-Q and in accordance with the programme terms and conditions (if the #TopUp benefit has been elected, you will receive a 100% credit based on the value noted on the original Hi-Q sales invoice).
- Claims replacement by Hi-Q Dealers only.
What is not covered
- Tyres not registered within 30 days of the date reflected on the original sales invoice, or tyres damaged prior to registration. Note that no tyre may be registered if it has been damaged before it was registered, regardless as to whether it still falls within 30 days of the date reflected on the original sales invoice.
- Damage reported after 30 days have elapsed from the date of the incident which caused the damage.
- Damage occurring after the expiry of a period of 12 calendar months (for FREE TyreSurance®) and 24 calendar months (for TyreSurance® #TopUp) from the date of purchase of the tyres as reflected on the original Hi-Q sales invoice.
- Damage where a tyre fitment centre other than a Hi-Q Dealer is used to replace damaged tyres.
- Puncture repairs or anything deemed by Hi-Q to be repairable. Hi-Q will have the final say as to whether the tyre is to be replaced or not and the decision is final.
- Damage to tyres as a result of motor vehicle accident.
- Tyres not classified as defined herein.
- Any damage other than that of the actual tyre itself.
- Damage resulting from any other cause other than a road hazard as defined herein.
- Manufacturer failure or fault i.e. anything that may be covered by the tyre manufacturer’s warranty.
- Normal wear and usage.
- Flat spots, uneven wear e.g. caused by harsh breaking, lack of maintenance etc.
- Tyres that have been retread and any other form of tyre not sold in its original manufactured condition.
- Tyres with a tread depth of less than 2 millimetres; regardless of the tyre’s age.
- More than one claim per tyre.
- Tyres not fitted to the original vehicle with registration/VIN number not matching that noted at the time of registration for the TyreSurance® benefit.
- Damage incurred outside the Republic of South Africa.
- Tyre/s not damaged on any public and private road within SA (incl. asphalt, gravel, sand etc.). That is, damage caused while passenger vehicles are used on any other surface e.g. 4×4 driver training, 4×4 trails, race tracks etc.
- Damage to tyre/s whilst being used for performance shows, racing, exhibitions, 4×4 driver training, 4×4 trails, race tracks.
- Replacement of any other undamaged tyres also fitted to the vehicle that may have to be replaced as well due to tread depths that are no longer the same.
* Damage to a tyre, which damage cannot be repaired e.g. sidewall cuts, tears, bubbles etc. Anything else is excluded e.g. punctures and cost to repair, normal tyre wear, flat spots as a result of harsh braking etc.
** All passenger tyres including Sedans, Bakkies, Taxis, SUV’s, 4×4s, LDV’s, Caravans and Trailers (excluding re-tread tyres, tyres larger than 750/16 and vehicles not registered in South Africa).
*** A hazard of whatever nature on a road, including but not limited to, potholes, debris (e.g. glass, steel) etc. Damage to a tyre as a result of a car accident is excluded as this cover is provided by the comprehensive cover for cars given by insurance companies.
By registering for TyreSurance®, or electing the #TopUp benefit, you agree to and have accepted all Terms & Conditions.
Hi-Q reserves the right to change, add, suspend, cancel, remove or otherwise modify any benefit, term, condition etc. at any time and without prior notice. Any revisions shall be noted herein.
- Country of domicile:
This website is governed by the laws of South Africa and Hi-Q Automotive (PTY) Ltd, chooses as its domicilium citandi et executandi for all purposes under this agreement, whether in respect of court process, notice, or other documents or communication of whatsoever nature – Hi-Q Automotive (Pty) Ltd., 101 Algoa Road, Alexander Park, Kariega.
- Currency used:
All transactions are processed in South Africa Rands (ZAR).